Guide to NDIS Disability Accommodation terms
When you’re navigating the NDIS and the supports available, it can feel like you need to learn another language! There’s a lot of jargon, and a lot of acronyms – no wonder it feels confusing. Here we explain a few of the terms relating to disability accommodation and living support, to help you understand your NDIS accommodation options.
STA: Short Term Accommodation
Previously known as Respite, this funding covers support and accommodation for up to 14 days at a time. STA gives participants a chance to have a change of scenery and try new things, while also giving your informal support network a break from their caring duties. The funding is flexible, so you can decide whether to use it all at once, or for shorter stays throughout the year. The amount of STA funding you receive will depend on your needs, but it is usually capped at 28 days per year.
STA can be provided at a set location, such as a house specifically designed for STA stays. There are also services that coordinate holiday getaways for groups of participants using STA funding. The funding can also cover food and the cost of activities during your stay.
MTA: Medium Term Accommodation
This funding covers the cost of housing, but does not cover disability supports. The NDIS can fund MTA for up to 90 days.
MTA is often used if you’re waiting on a longer-term housing solution. Perhaps you’re ready to leave hospital but your home and supports aren’t ready yet – then you may be able to use MTA until everything is in place. Or, if you’ve been approved for Specialist Disability Accommodation, but you’re on a waiting list, MTA can help in the interim. It can also be used in cases where you urgently need to leave your living situation, to give you some time to find a new living arrangement.
SIL: Supported Independent Living
SIL funding provides a means for disability support workers to deliver care in the home, often around-the-clock. SIL supports are commonly provided in a share-house setting with other NDIS participants. SIL funding only covers the cost of the person-to-person supports. But in a SIL shared housing arrangement, participants can be part of a separate “rooming agreement”, for sharing the costs of rent, utilities, and even grocery bills.
SDA: Specialist Disability Accommodation
This package of funding provides accommodation for people with very high care needs or extreme functional impairment. It funds housing that has been built or modified to include accessible features, such as ramps, hoists, accessible bathrooms, and robust construction. Only around six percent of NDIS participants are eligible for SDA funding.
The funding is allocated to the participant, but the NDIS pays it directly to the SDA provider, for the provision and upkeep of the property. The participant also pays a reasonable rent contribution, often from their pension or rent assistance.
ILO: Individualised Living Options
This support allows you to design a living situation that suits you. It means you can choose where you want to live, whether that’s with housemates or even a host. (ILO does not cover rent or mortgage payments.) Then you can receive a mix of NDIS-funded supports and informal supports, ie care from family or friends. ILO is a very versatile support arrangement, customised to suit you and your needs and goals. The NDIS offers some examples of how ILO can look here.
When exploring your accommodation options, you will also come across these relevant people:
LAC: Local Area Coordinator:
An official partner with the NDIS, who links people to the NDIS and to other services in their community.
Service coordinator:
Your link to your disability supports. They work for the provider and coordinate your support workers.
Support coordinator:
If you have funding for support coordination, this person will explain your options, clarify your plan, and help to link you with the services you need. They can liaise with the NDIS and with service providers on your behalf. Participants with multiple or complex needs may be able to access support coordination funding.
At For Care, and through our extensive network, we offer the flexibility to provide a range of disability accommodation options around southern Queensland. Talk to us about your needs and goals – we’d love to make it happen! Contact us to find out more.